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 Private Practice Mentorship Program

Hello, fellow helpers!  


handcrafted consultation: private practice mentorship program:


Most clinicians are drawn to this life as a helper because they sense a calling to do so, which is typically accompanied with a "bleeding heart", but it's also time we normalize embrace becoming more business minded (something that graduate school does not prepare us for), in order to create the life we want for ourselves. In turn, this will improve our effectiveness as a clinician through the intersectionality of lifestyle, income and impact of serving our ideal clients.  Just as we encourage our clients to invest in themselves, it's time to do it for yourself too! Whether you're braving the next venture in your career and interested in establishing your own private practice, but uncertain where to start or you're ready to enhance your business and amplify what you're already doing to contribute to increased success-private practice mentorship can be the catalyst to get you there! 


Handcrafted Consulting offers 1 on 1 consultation and mentorship to help helpers become entrepreneurs. Mentorship packages include case by case consultation, along with systematic mentorship programming including branding.  The HCC Mentorship Program is recommended, as it provides in-depth support to professionals by received handcrafted (personalized) guidance on how to reach optimal success in becoming your own boss, such as:​​

  • Explore professional development and identity as a Clinician

  • Identify practice niche and brand identity

  • Glean experiences from your consultant/mentor

  • Provides accountability to meet professional goals




"Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping."
- Fred Rogers


Let's handcraft your private practice!

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